Love Bag Yellow
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Love Bag Yellow

This is a homemade bag with handles and contains items appropriate for children from 3 years through the age of 9 years.  We try to provide items that are gender specific in this grouping generating 2 different bags.

Items included can be:

Toothbrushes and sample-sized kids flavored toothpastes, dental floss, band-aids, little packets of kleenex, (like what would fit in your purse).

Art/school supplies (play-dough, colored pencils, crayons, chalk, silly putty, glue, markers, etc), small tablets of paper, coloring/activity books, little games, puzzles, small toys (jump ropes, metal/plastic cars, dolls, small balls, etc), books, pencils/pens, pencil sharpeners, small stuffed animals.

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Last modified: August 16, 2005