At the current time we have only one product but it comes
different ways. The product is a bag we call a "Love Bag".
They have a poem attached that is color coded to designate the age of the
child. Gender is usually noted on the back of the poem.
We have photos of the bags they will be included on the pages.
- Love Bag Pink
This is a homemade bag with handles and contains items
appropriate for children from birth through the age of 2 years.
It is not gender specific.
- Love Bag Yellow
This is a homemade bag with handles and contains items
appropriate for children from 3 years through the age of 9
years. We try to provide items that are gender specific in this
grouping generating 2 different bags.
- Love Bag Tan
This is a homemade bag with a drawstring and contains items
appropriate for children from 10 years through the age of 14
years. We try to provide items that are gender specific in this
grouping generating 2 different bags.
- Love Bag Green
This is a homemade bag with a drawstring and contains items
appropriate for children from 15 years through the age of 17
years. We try to provide items that are gender specific in this
grouping generating 2 different bags.