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If you feel so inclined, we always need many items. If you cannot
donate your time or don't live in an area where you can get to our location, we
have items you could provide so we can continue to fill bags. Remember
that all items must be new. We
will also not include any food items.
Personal Care Items
- Kleenex
- Toothpaste, regular and flavored
- Tooth brush, floss [Regular and Baby]
- Soap [Regular and Baby]
- Shampoo/Conditioner [Regular and Baby]
- Wet wipes
- Combs/brushes
- Hair scrunches, etc.
- Deodorant
- Feminine products [for older group]
- Face care products
- Band-aids
- Nail care products
- Shaving items [for older group]
Baby Items
- Bibs
- Receiving blankets
- Pacifiers
- Plastic bottles/sippee cups
- Rattles/Teethers
- Night lights
- Books
- Diaper
- Clothing
(socks, sleepers, T-shirts, etc)
Craft Items for Bags
- Notepads
- Pens/pencils
- Pencil sharpeners
- Crayons/markers
- Books
- Coloring/activity books
- School supplies
- Play dough
- Journal/diary
Entertainment Items
- Cards
- Games
- Football, baseball items
- Frisbees
- Puzzles
- Jump ropes
- Small cars, balls, dolls
- Small stuffed animals
- Magazines
- Flash lights
- Sport bottles
Specialty Items
- Meal gift certificates
- Movie passes
- Video rental coupons
- Receiving blankets/Bibs [can be homemade]
Organizational Items
- Markers for labeling bags or delivery boxes.
- Small, shoe box size, plastic containers for soaps,
lotions, pens, hair ribbons, gift certificates, video coupons, etc. to be
stored prior to packaging bags.
- Large plastic containers for storing larger toys, games,
and small storage boxes.
- Pens/paper/notepads
- Assistance becoming a 501c Non-profit organization
There are many other things that we have not listed here. Please
contact us with any of your ideas.
If tangible items are not possible then gift cards with instructions on what
you want them used for will be accepted and we will return to you receipts
showing the use.